Quadball is a mixed gender, full contact sport played across the world. Originally inspired by the game in the Harry Potter series, quadball has grown since the inaugural match in 2005 to be a sport played by thousands of players in over 40 countries.
Seven players on each team compete to outscore their opponents by scoring the volleyball through one of the opposition hoops, defending their own hoops with tackles and dodgeballs, and catching the snitch to end the game.
The International Quadball Association (IQA) is the international governing body for quadball. We work with our members to facilitate international competition and cooperation, develop the sport through rulebooks, and to bring quadball to a worldwide audience.
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IQA bildet Komitee über potentielle Namensänderung des Sports
Nach der gemeinsamen Ankündigung durch US Quidditch und Major League Quidditch über den Beginn einer neuen Namensfindung für die reale Version des Quidditch in den USA hat auch die IQA ein internes Komitee gebildet, um über die internationale Umsetzung dieser Änderungen zu beraten.
La IQA Crea un Comitato per Esaminare il Cambio Nome dello Sport
In seguito all’annuncio congiunto di US Quidditch e Major League Quidditch, nel quale rivelano di aver iniziato il processo di selezione di un nuovo nome per la versione “real-life” del quidditch negli United States, la IQA ha costituito un comitato internazionale al fine di considerare qualora questo cambiamento vada portato avanti a livello internazionale.
La IQA forma un comité para explorar la posibilidad de cambiar el nombre del deporte
Trás el anuncio dado en conjunto por US Quidditch y la Major League Quidditch de que han comenzado con el proceso para elegir un nuevo nombre para la versión en la vida real del Quidditch en Estados Unidos, la IQA ha formado un comité interno para considerar si estos cambios deberían hacerse también internacionalmente.
L’IQA forme un comité pour explorer le changement de nom du sport
Suite à l’annonce conjointe par l’US Quidditch et la Major League Quidditch du démarrage du processus de sélection d’un nouveau nom pour le quidditch aux États-Unis, l’IQA a formé un comité interne pour considérer si ces changements devaient être effectués internationalement.
IQA Forms Committee to Explore Name Change of Sport
The IQA has formed an internal committee to consider whether USQ’s sport name changes should be made internationally.
Ganadores de los Juegos Continentales IQA 2022
La IQA se complace en anunciar las sedes ganadoras y las fechas de los Juegos Continentales IQA 2022.

A Sport for All
Quadball is played in over 40 countries and is constantly growing. As one of the only mixed-gender contact sports in the world we pride ourselves on being an inclusive and welcoming sport. We especially welcome those from the LGBTQ+ community and those who identify as trans and/or non-binary.
Regardless of your gender, age, ethnicity, or ability; quadball is a sport for everyone and there is a place for you.
A Sport for Excellence
Quadball is played in over 40 countries and is constantly growing. As one of the only mixed-gender contact sports in the world we pride ourselves on being an inclusive and welcoming sport. We especially welcome those from the LGBTQ+ community and those who identify as trans and/or non-binary.
Regardless of your gender, age, ethnicity, or ability; quadball is a sport for everyone and there is a place for you.
Regardless of your gender, age, ethnicity, or ability; quadball is a sport for everyone and there is a place for you.

A Sport for Excellence
Quadball is played in over 40 countries and is constantly growing. As one of the only mixed-gender contact sports in the world we pride ourselves on being an inclusive and welcoming sport. We especially welcome those from the LGBTQ+ community and those who identify as trans and/or non-binary.
Regardless of your gender, age, ethnicity, or ability; quadball is a sport for everyone and there is a place for you.
Regardless of your gender, age, ethnicity, or ability; quadball is a sport for everyone and there is a place for you.

A Sport for Fun
Quadball is a team game that was first played on a sunny afternoon in 2005 by some friends looking for something different to do, where they could try new things and have fun doing it. Quadball is an exciting, fast-paced sport that delights and surprises – no two games are ever the same.
Quadball is a fun, friendly sport that can be picked up in a single game with friends; a sunny afternoon is a great place to start.
Regardless of your gender, age, ethnicity, or ability; quadball is a sport for everyone and there is a place for you.
Regardless of your gender, age, ethnicity, or ability; quadball is a sport for everyone and there is a place for you.