New Rules 2022 Text Released

There have been some delays in getting the rulebook ready for full release, some within the rules teams control, and some not.  However, the IQA recognizes that games will be played soon under the upcoming rulebook, and getting the new text out for players,...

How the IQA uses inclusive language

By Joke Daems, IQA translation manager Research has shown that the language we use can influence the way we see the world. As ‘inclusivity’ is one of the core values of the IQA, we try to ensure the language we use is inclusive as well. While...

Rulebook Change Proposals Result

This year, the IQA started a new process to update the rulebook.  As part of this new process, the Rules Team creates and debates proposals for changes to the IQA rulebook.  Their proposals are then released publicly and forwarded to the full Rules Committee...

Quadball İsim Değişikliğine İlişkin Basın Açıklaması

19 Temmuz Salı günü, IQA, daha önce quidditch olarak bilinen spor için “quadball” adını benimsemede USQ ve MLQ’yu takip edeceğini duyurmayı planlıyor. Yaklaşan isim değişikliği duyurusunun bu yılın başlarında aldığı haberler göz önüne alınırsa, medyadan yoğun bir ilgi...

IQA gibt Umbenennung von „Quidditch“ auf „Quadball“ bekannt

Die reale Sportart inspiriert vom magischen Spiel Quidditch kündigt einen neuen Namen an. Die IQA folgt US Quidditch (USQ) und Major League Quidditch (MLQ) in der Umbenennung der Sportart von „Quidditch“ auf „Quadball“ weltweit. „Die IQA ist erfreut, gemeinsam mit USQ...